My King Saber: a.k.a. Arturia Pendragon, depicted to the left.
>>3545102>Does your waifu like art? I imagine she would because the art from her time sucked royal ass (pic related). Anything pre-11th century was just so pathetic to look at. They couldn't figure out perspective and proportion at all. My King would have a great time looking at all the beautiful art that has come about since her time.
>Does she give everything a chance or does she just think it's bollocks?Artwise? She might find the really abstract stuff hard to appreciate due to the fact she hadn't spent a lot of time dealing with the way art has progressed.
>Would she prefer old stuff or modern stuff?She'd prefer the old stuff I bet
>What in particular might she appreciate? Crafts, painting, audio works, video works, photography? Abstract or concrete?Landscapes of her home country, maybe even artwork from her legend, even though a lot of the ancient stuff looked like shit. I don't care for post-modernist artwork and would expect her to feel the same, but for me it's disdain, for her it might be confusion as to why any of it could be considered "art".
>What would it be like visiting a museum with her?It would be the most calming experience ever. I would love to just go silent next to her while we both got lost in a painting for awhile. Patiently waiting for the other to finish admiring it and moving on together to the next. I'd have some trouble not just admiring her and not taking any of the artwork in.