It's insanely difficult to describe how much I love her.
>>3607932Anything and everything beyond her classic outfit, even if it is iconic. A kimono like pic related would be nice to see though. It suits her.
Kaguya's in a weird situation where nothing's she's in
a) prominently features her beyond a cameo (most manga series, books, fighting games, etc.)
b) has a consistent tone and is unquestionably canon (IotMaIotE)
c) is drawn (CiLR)
d) is drawn well (IN)
So there's never been any real oppurtunity for her to be portrayed any other way, and I highly doubt that's going to change.
>>3607942Drinking tea together on a nice spring day, talking about things, eating together, seeing her pleasant smile, waking up/falling asleep next to her, holding her close, stroking her hair, feeling her body next to mine, crying from happiness... the usual.
>>3608044Feminine, if I had to pick.
>>3608059No. She has ambitions, but she's very carefree and doesn't really have much to worry about.
>>3608127Happy birthday.
>>3608210If you love her you love her. It doesn't matter who she is, how long it's been, how others feel, or what happened along the way - your feelings are the most important, and it's not good to deny them.
>>3608243Oh she's well aware of it at this point.
>>3608247For IN, even though she and her friends are the villians, I can see her liking it. It does a good job of explaining her motivation, and she comes off as a much better (and cooler, smarter, etc.) person than any of the protagonists. Plus, I think she enjoys being a little hated and a little evil. I love that side of her at least.
For CiLR, she canonically wrote her chapter.
For IotMaIotE, she would probably find it amusing.
>>3608356>that last paragraphCan I just say that it's stuff like this that made me come to appreciate waifufags, even before ending up becoming one myself? I can feel pure love and emotion emanating off the writing, and it's beautiful. I don't understand how anyone could deny that.