>>3686840Guns. Bows, crossbows, lasers, warheads, missiles and more.
>>3687022No ideas.
>>3687098Okay David Icke.
>>3687123She probably thinks americans are retarded.
>>3687137She makes everyone feel soft and fluffy and have a mild fever. Highly infectious though. May increase risk of diabetes.
>>3687179all me. It's disgusting and she is showering off if she goes and does that before she sits down in our place or goes to bed.
>>3687212I'm not fond of the idea of her being gawked at either. Myself I would never get naked around strangers. That's dumb as hell.
>>3687252Really wherever. I have no real preferences other than having a good time with her.
>>3687136If I had a Symphogear thing I better get a lot of gangster rap bass.
>>3687524>>3687598All kinds. Fuck that office job life or slaving away in general. I've lost like 10 years as it is. So I'm gonna work on my poor health to go live it up being a bum around the North American continent.
>>3687724Yes absolutely because I legit do not give a fuck about that social approval and validation of fitting in normalcy crap.
>>3687728Idk. I might be done with video games besides her gacha game. But I haven't even played that in over a month....
>>3687731Oh god all of it. I cry a lot about her. I mean, not sad. Just lots of crying. She's so precious. Aaaaaaa!
>>3687742This. We will be like a phoenix. Mods can't stop me.