>>3522633However, if even after I try my best she still refuses to agree, well what can you do? I would not force her into anything. As long as she respects me and my views, I will respect her and her views. I will never truly give up since I care about her more than anyone else, but I will never force anything on her. Maybe one day she will agree with me. It's never too late, so why cause strain on our relationship or even end it over this? She would have plenty of time to understand. And if she never does, I would feel extremely sad, but to force something like this isn't my kind of thing for someone I love so dearly. If it came down to just SOME things that she disagreed with, but she was willing to agree with the fundamentals, that's fine by me. That would be enough to make me truly happy.
So those are really the only things that I could see is disagreeing with, but as you can see, when it comes to her, I am as open-minded as they come.