>>3616241>Usually people who refer to all women as "thots/roasties" are the type of anon who visits certain boards and blame the world for their own shortcomingseveryone uses thot/roastie it's not a /r9k/ and I never go to /r9k/ for your infomation bitch.
>Yet all of them are worthless men hating cunts or thots. Makes sense.I never said all women idiot
>You could have put in a whole lot more effort into your original post that would have prevented this situation. There is absolutely nothing with finding them attractive but making a post which sounds like you're a horny preteen is extremely low quality.Next time I put in Maximum Effort in my posts on 4CHAN and I will never say >Love her boobs again (eye roll)
I don't know what's up your ass you sjw bitch but would you kindly fuck off.