>>3569712>What sort of sports would your wife play?>If she wouldn't, why not?She'd rather be lazy than play sports.
>>3569715>To what extent does your wife expect your help with chores?>Would you help her even if she doesn't need it?I'd happily help with cooking, I enjoy cooking. Other than that, if she asks me to help out with anything, I'd do it.
>>3569716>Your wife makes a video to share on the internet but no one seems to like it, how does she react?Shitpost about it on 4chan.
>>3569717>Your wife gains employment in a cafe, what role does she play?Waitress, maybe. Though I imagine she'd get annoyed by customers quickly.
>>3569804>What sort of decorations would be on your wedding cake?Would go with a classic style wedding cake, though I suppose some cute devil wings and a tail for decoration might be nice.
>>3569856>What other things about your waifu would you assert to people you don't think fully get her?When people don't know enough about the series, and assume she's a succubus for some reason. There's nothing in her personality or the way she acts that would be even remotely similar to succubus in the game either.
For all the big talk Etna does, most of it is just a front, she's quite insecure about some aspects of her appearance after all.
>>3569868>Would your wife share your relationship on social media or would that be too personal for her?>Would you have a problem with it?The fact that she's in a relationship with me? Sure. Specifics? Probably not. I don't really like pictures taken of me, so I wouldn't like her uploading photos.
>>3570253The manga was pretty well done. The anime subs were fine, I don't remember if the LNs had translations anywhere. The NISA ( and Atlus for the first game ) translations for the games are sometimes a bit questionable, but not a huge concern, I can understand the japanese voices just fine, and can pick up anything they'd either translate incorrectly or add in there for no reason.