I love this blue-eyed angel.
>>3548760Early on in the game, Liz mentions that she wants a puppy. She obviously says it as a joke, but I'm dense enough to take her up on that. So, uh, one puppy.
>>3548766Having spent most of her life in Columbia, Liz is probably used to lower temperatures. I imagine that her favorite thing on a particularly cold day would be a book and a hot drink.
>>3549044There's a lot of details about the game and Elizabeth that I can write at length about. People tend to misunderstand a lot of things about her/her media. I can't really blame them since the story is quite convoluted, but I'm liable to writing textwalls to explain certain things about it.
>>3549108The only fear of hers that I'd call irrational is her aversion to bees. She really hates them for some reason.
The only time she seems genuinely frightened is when the well-being of someone she really cares about is threatened. Overall, she's a really brave girl and few things manage to scare her.
>>3549195I don't have any. If I did she'd be either endeared or disturbed, depending on what she thinks about me.
>>3549410>moments in films that she would tear up at?Romantic scenes are liable to make Elizabeth cry, I think. She's never experienced love or intimacy so I imagine that it's a sensitive topic for her. She might get sad since it's something she's never had. Liz is probably the type to get emotional over movies in general though. Spending so much time alone with nothing to do but read has probably taught her to relate to fictional characters a whole lot, so she'd probably be extra sensitive to more emotional scenes in general.
>>3549684Pain and guilt is all that her visage brings me sometimes. I've unwillingly resigned from real companionship and romance in favor of someone who isn't real. The intense, profound emotions that I feel when I look at her are but a reminder of that. I'm broken.
>>3550096Is it too early to ask about the spear?