>>4094767She'd love to wear fancy clothes that fit the occasion.
>>4094768She'd prefer to wait but if she had to she had to.
>>4094769She likes flowers that aren't red poinsettias.
>>4094775Just any of her really. Probably her posing elegantly like her Persona 4 portrait to capture her beauty.
>>4095175Me away? Nah. Online? They only ever talked smack about her with me around to try and bait me.
>>4099253I love when she rambles on about her favorite manga
>Anon, let me tell you about what I've been reading lately!and I get to hear her wonderful voice be passionate about something she loves.
>>4099454I'm not really a coffee person.
>>4100602Shoujo Manga!
I don't really read much manga these days myself (I grab Yotsuba if I see a new volume but that's mostly it) but I respect any talented and hard working mangaka and illustrator.
>>4101011Chihiro loves all the stalls in the summer festival and, if she has one, she'd love to wear her yukata!
>>4101709Wonderful evening
>>4103410Miku is an android though
>>4103430Spoilers don't work on /c/, Yoshikage Kira. But I would like to kiss and even hold her hand.
>>4103559I've been posting Chihiro on waifu threads in /a/ for over a decade, even before her first anime appearance, you're fine.
>>4105141Remember her forever but also
>>4106258Take the time to evaluate your love and confirm the feeling. I know I felt strong feelings for Chihiro for a while before I realized I had truly fallen for her!
>>4106085No but I know it'd be a fun evening.
>>4110613Yes and it was not a fun time.