Yui is my life, Yui is my angel. I love her so much!
>>3427633She isn't really the anxious type, and it depends on who she is interacting with - if she's with close friends she's a lot more bubbly though if she's with a bunch of people she's a bit more quiet and listening. She's way more talkative than I am though, unless she starts talking about my hobbies then I can drone on for hours more than she could ever speak.
>>3427734She might spend a few dollars here and there if she likes the characters but she wouldn't be hooked on it.
>>3428013According to some people she would be an antagonist of the story she's in.
>>3428038No, she'll laugh if something is funny she doesn't have a reason to hide it.
>>3428086I haven't watched it, but I'll start watching it - sounds nice. I would honestly be happy anyway even if she was the size of a figma. I'd tell her the whole truth and everything and hope she could come to terms with it, and just help her as best as I can. (and hope there is a way to make her full size)
I'll start with a bit of a more personal question, have you done anything for your wife recently that would make her proud of you? Or something you did explicitly for her?
What holiday would your wife like the most of the ones that you celebrate? Is she the type of person who would get really into the mood of it? If so, what do you think she would do?
What would be, in the best of your ability, way you would propose to your wife?