>>3551548Hilda definitely seems like the kind of girl that loves being assertive and on top which lines up with my tastes perfectly!
>>3551556She'd look amazing riding it but I would still be very concerned for her safety.
>>3551558She would use her fishing skills to hopefully reel in a big one and if that fails she would just get a water type Pokemon like Walrein or Dewgong to help her.
>>3551613All Hilda needs is her usual outfit and baseball cap so expensive items like jewelry are usually low on her list of priorities unless it's something like a Casteliacone.
>>3551628>https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EHNQKhdVUAArD78?format=jpg&name=largeThis is artwork is fantastic thanks a million anon!
Would you imagine your waifu as a prosecutor or a defense attorney if they were to star in a Ace Attorney like game? If so would she be the calm and collected type or the unstoppable force that heats up the trial?
Hilda would be the passionate but bold prosecutor that doesn't let any detail slip by her sort of like Athena Cykes.