I love Azusa way too much.
>>3289095She's usually too nice to say things like that, but every once in while she can deliver a surprisingly strong, yet very subtle burn out of nowhere. Usually in response to the player character being an arse.
>>3289120It depends on how it would play out. In-game I'm her producer so it's no issue, but given that she's a famous idol, I'd never be able to get close to her otherwise.
>>3289357Plenty of times. She's very weak to pressure, so she can get very nervous, especially when something goes wrong before a major performance. If someone isn't there to pull her out of it, she can easily succumb into a spiral of anxiety.
>>3289378While she can be surprisingly childish at times, she's mature enough not to bother with stuff like that in the first place. She'd never want to cause even the slightest unnecessary trouble to anyone.