Quoted By:
German Democratic Republic Frankfurt County Boe Base
私は当基を拠点にていた第666戦術機中隊 (黒の宣告) に配属された.
I was assigned to the homebase of the 666 squadron(black marks)
は人員消耗率が激しく, ついには主任務である光線級吶喊に文障を来すようになってしまった.
The casualty rate in the company is intense, so much so it has become disruptive to the companies ability to perform Laserjagd.
負傷し, 戦線を離れるファム・ティ・ラン中尉の穴を埋める者として, 私が選ばれたのだ.
And so, Pham Ti Lan’s leave the battlefield due to injury has led to me being chosen to fill the gap in ranks.
I take a tour through the base.
立ち入り禁止区越は別だが, すべての兵土は基地の構造を熟知していなければならないからだ.
Though this place is new to me, its my responsibility to become familiar with the grounds.
特に戦術機のパイロットである衛士は, 緊急時に基地のどこにいようと,
Especially as a tsf pilot, in case of emergency,
I should be able to find my way through the hangar even with my eyes closed.
そういうわけで, 基地を歩き回っていたのだが, ここ東ドイツでは事情はそれだけに止まらない.
So thats why I roamed through the base, but here in East Germany things can never be so simple.