>>3254983>If your waifu was male and your best friend instead of being your waifu, would you get along with him? what cool things would you do while hanging out with your now best bro?she becomes quite a bishi in the authors genderbend , so shit would become quite homo , no homo.
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>>3255022>What do you say?nope
>>3255145>How screwed are you?Her family NEVER SHOWS UP. so idk.
>>3255175>What’s your waifu’s favorite play?She melts foen with overly cheese livey stuff , so romeo and juliet goes.
>>3255434Your waifu is eldritchlh tall , kanojofag.
>>3255488Better than the shit Utabe gets.
>>3255497>What sort of bed does she show preference towards?She has a single bed .Nothing too showy.
>>3255603Hello my fellow UrabeFag.
>>3255603>Did you have any preferences beforehand that influenced your attraction to your waifu?I always had something for pale black haired girls with a weird personality.
Urabe was a fucking bullseye.
>>3255609Hello my fellow UrabeFag
>>3255616Your dedication knows no bounds Etnafag.
>>3255619What the fuck is that shit?
Her legs must be hanging from the bed.
>>3255780Believe in the kanojo that believes in you , Kanojofag
signed UrabeFag the second