I hope everyone managed to have a nice valentines day. Around this time in 2020 was when I first started with typesetting and pic related was one of the first panels that had her in them. It’s from the manga Pravda Senki, an official GuP work, and I think the picture shows how bad I was at typesetting back then. I’ve deleted my abysmally typeset version as soon as /ak/ made a more proper one, but funnily enough my shitty typsetts are the ones that made it into the GuP wiki pages of some of the characters featured in the story.
>>4191215My annual GuP rewatch usually starts around the 15th-18th of August, which was the time when I initially watched the show for the first time. I still enjoy it a lot. I haven’t really read/watched anything new other than skimming the boorus and pixiv for images. I think most people here can related when I say that the experience tends to be a “mixed bag”
>>4191240I think I might be able to relate to what you feel, but I’d rather not get into that. Are you really sure it hurts in the conventional sense of the word? Because to me it kinda sounds less like pain and more like you’re jealous, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing since it means you still very much care about her quite a lot
>>4195024Nothing wrong with that. I had a different waifu before as well, mostly due to the fact that at that time my waifus series didn’t even exist yet
What did you do on valentines day for her?
What would your ideal valentines date, or date in general, with her look like?
Or are you waiting until white day to do something special for her?