We're not quite there yet, but we're close enough anyway. Enjoy the holidays, everyone. Let's bring this hellish year to an end and start the next one on a high note.
>>3814564Unless you're destitute, money will always matter less than your own wellbeing. I was unemployed for 5 months this year and I outright consider it the best time of my last 5 years, because prior to being fired I'd become not just unhappy, but downright paranoid and disconnected from reality due to the overwhelming stress that I was under at my old job.
You're worth far more than a measly few bucks. Give yourself as much time as you need to think about your situation. Above all else, focus on the things that give you a sense of purpose. Doing things just because they feel nice is good on its own, but not if you don't already have something that gives your life some purpose. Much as I hate to say it for personal reasons, usually the only real way to find your answer is to experiment with a whole lot of things and see what sticks, a la
>>3814675's advice. One step ahead is always better than none. Don't persevere needlessly if you're not "naturally" enjoying something and don't feel especially driven from within to get better at it - there's likely something else out there that would be a better fit for you. It's why I myself stopped trying to learn to draw.
Don't worry too much about it for now though. Enjoy the holidays, then come back to this issue with a fresh mind. It'll do you a world of good.
>>3814827Crazy is an understatement, even on a personal level. Least now I can relax a bit since the holidays are almost here, but I'm probably going to find myself in a position similar to
>>3814564 soon as it's been years since I last put any thought into myself, what I want to do and where I want to be.