Thanks, friend; I appreciate the offer. I might even take you up on it if you direct me toward a name or a server. I'm warning you, though; if it's something like "xxbloodskull666xx" I may reconsider.
I'm just being a drama queen. As we approach the end of 2018, I think the realization that another full year has come and gone with nothing I've been asking for has just been dawning on me and taking its effect. I've had a very nice year in all the ways that matter, so I really am fine. Just a bit moody about this one aspect of it and in the mood to be a little bitchy about it. I wouldn't really say I'm jaded either, but I am tired and ready for some change. I think we all deserve at least that much after all this time. I'm serious about not following updates for a while, though. I don't need to be worrying myself over something so inconsequential, and it's become a bad habit.
I hope your holiday season picks up for you; I love Christmas, and I don't want anyone to be unhappy for it if I can help.