>>3548188>gameshowI dunno what kind of game show it would be, but I figure she probably wouldn't do very well unless it was something physical, and physical gameshows aren't much of a thing anymore, as far as I'm aware. She'd also probably just wear her usual outfit and I doubt she'd be nervous at all, at least at first. If she made a fool of herself she'd probably get very embarrassed very quickly.
>prioritiesI think that we would both have more or less the same priorities, just being with each other and spending time together would be enough for both of us, at least at first. I can't imagine her wanting kids, not for a long while if ever. I'd be happy as long as I could keep the both of us clothed, fed and sheltered together, anything else is just bonus.
>sequelIf it's set far enough in the future that her friends have died of old age I imagine she'd have gone back to how she was before meeting them... though that part of her isn't really shown in the comic, I imagine her being more depressive, and more prone to deep thought, I would hate to see her like that but I can imagine how she might be.
>>3548206Her usual way of dealing with it is to take some of her "heavenly powder." Everything that's been shown about her and stress is that she doesn't generally handle it very well, though.
>>3548317Depends on the game and how close I can get to her, last thing I made her in was the Code Vein demo
I was quite pleased that one of the first Blood Veils you find was a blue jacket
>>3548319She doesn't really have a persistent rival.