>>3563411Excluding magical prowess, everything she has isn't what I'd consider a "talent". Everything she has was built up by her, slowly and naturally. Don't get me wrong, I love my wife, and I'll never throw her under the bus, but she's had 1000 years to get to where she was, physically and mentally and thanks to the writers, I'll never know what she was naturally comfortable with when growing up.
I..Strayed away from the question, didn't I?
> your wife has that you wish you had or were better at?I want to be as strong as she is mentally. It's not that she's exactly nonchalant about things, she just "manages" to stay calm and straight-forward while keeping a clear head. That would be amazing.
>>3563492I know what betrayal feels like. And, involving her in such feelings would be enough to finally break the remnants of my sanity. No. It's not worth it. If these are the means to get with her, then I'd rather she remain fictional.
>>3563508Strangely endearing, summon.
This question has a lot of potential for answering so I'll have to come back to this one, preferably when sober.
>>3563576I don't mind. With or without glasses, she'd look adorable and they'd actually fit her professional and mature nature.
>>3563584This patience and understanding definitely deserves a status report next month. You're easily transferring your hopefulness onto be.
>>3563630Probably her birthplace, Japan. The traditions, the lifestyle, the aesthetics. I think she'd enjoy it.
She does take the window seat. She's never been on a plane. It'd be a crazy experience for her. Why would I avoid the opportunity to see a childish awe on her face?
>Would she obsessively plan out your tripI don't think she'd care about traveling, but even if I did tell her we were venturing somewhere, she'd make sure everything is prepared and ready. Even as far as personally inspecting my
Her calling me a dolt because I was one shirt less than her initial preparations.