>>2623122Episode 7 - Rei doesn't show up
Episode 8 - Rei doesn't show up
Episode 9 - She shows up a little bit in school and while Asuka and Shinji train that's it
Episode 10 - She swims a little bit
Episode 11 - She hangs out with Asuka and Shinji when the lights are out, she passes Shinji a rife, muses about man and fire. (this one's cool)
Episode 12 - she shows up for some tests, their mission briefs, the fight and to have some garlic ramen
Episode 13 - she gets naked for some tests
Episode 14 -
This episode is an exception since in the recap she's the one who gets the most focus. But that's seven episodes with Rei having a very secondary role in what's happening.
Episode 15 - Again, Rei shows up just a little bit
Episodes 16-20 are fine, she gets back her relevance as character within what's happening not just because of what's going to happen. and if she takes a back seat here is because consequential stuff actually starts to go down.