>>3570382She would be devastated, so would I. I suppose I would go off and try to bring him back, but alone. I mean, putting her in danger in the first place makes me feel very uneasy...
>>3570412>Do you have any plans on what you’re going to get her for christmas, or will you just skip out on christmas this year?I always wait until the last minute for gifts, and I'm still not sure what to get her yet. Apparently she already got what she wants to get me. Apparently I am not allowed to check the online cart, so I'll be getting something IRL... But I don't know. Hopefully she drops hints soon.
>And do you practice any art for her?Pic related!
>Waifu is now the dictator of a small island nation. What sort of hijinks ensue?No unsolicited fluffing, violators will be strung up to dry!
>>3570840>What alternate hairstyle would you like to see your waifu try?I'd love to see long hair on my wife. Yeah, that'd be pretty.
>>3570859>Taking cute wifo to the zoo! Which animals does she want to go see first? What does she spend the most time watching?There are a whole lot of animals she's never seen in person, so she would definitely love it.