>>2250739Here's how to do it with a .bat. First, make a .bat file in the folder that contains ffmpeg.exe, with the following text (in between the dashes):
ffmpeg -i %1 -quality good -cpu-used 0 -c:v libvpx -an -b:v 5M -crf 10 -ss 00:00:00.000 -to 00:00:00.000 %1.webm
%1 is a variable that will use populate based on whatever file you drop onto the .bat.
-i %1 : specifies the input value. You can substitute a file path for %1 if you like.
-quality good -cpu-used 0 -c:v libvpx -an : Just leave these as they are.
-b:v 5M and -crf 10 : set the max video bit rate and CRF values. Lower the max bit rate or increase the CRF to reduce file size. The bitrate should be in #M (megabits) or #K (kilobits) CRF goes from 4 (best quality) to 63 (worst quality). 10 is a good starting point.
-ss and -to specify the start and end points of the webm in hh:mm:ss(.000). You can use ctrl+G in media player classic to get numbers for this.
%1.webm : sets the output to "your file name".webm. You can put whatever path and name you want, in quotes if necessary, in place of %1. E.G., "Best WebM Ever".webm
A line beginning with :: will not be executed when the .bat is run. Use to make comments or whatever. The GOTO command can also be used for this purpose.
-vf scale=iw:-1,crop=iw:ih:0:0 : These let you scale and crop your webm. They are a little more complicated so please look at the documentation or Google to get started with those settings. I can explain further if asked.
Once I have my .bat file ready, I drag and drop the file I want to convert onto it in windows explorer (the file must be in the same folder as the .bat for the %1 variable to work).