Waifu iss adorable hanging around cats, especially when they're the cats I grew up with
>>4027650I don't think she'd want to a Vtuber, I think she'd just want to a normal streamer if she had to be one. I can imagine she's thought of it before. Either way, she'd attract tomboyfags
>>4028556I thought the A's movie was much newer, like after the post-Strikers seasons?
>>4028091It can be a little rigid, my ideal is like early 2019 /r9k/ where people talked about waifu and occasionally about related things
>>4028179Once, but I felt stupid because she's sadly not here with me. But I do talk to pictures of her and hug a daki and imagine it's her
>>4028447No, but she's my phone background
>>4028502I don't think she really is
>>4028579I've been thinking of it, but wouldn't get myself a ring, just her for a shrine.
>>4028633What is that? Can you actually take her for a walk and make her happy? I wish I could take my waifu for a walk IRL...
>>4028967Are you the same Rikafriend from /r9k/? It's good to see you again if you are.