>>2367586Under 100 dollars: MDRV6s are a pretty good bet.
Under 250: AKG 701s are comfy and good. Try to find a pair not made in China. They're probably better.
Under 350: Polk Audio and Klipsch make their own high end pairs but really I'd just buy the 701s and save the money. Reviews aren't great on them anyways.
Under 500: kek
Under 750: kek/buy used electrostatics from Koss or Stax. Stax is even Japanese and in one of the anime episodes she wears something that looks Stax-y.
Under 1100: You could buy a new pair of Koss electrostats or a different ("better") pair of used Stax
Under 1500: I think you can get new Stax in this range. I'm not sure, I'd just buy used Koss pairs for around 500, or new for around 800 (off of Amazon, unless the price moved again)