>>3559348I think that she would just sulk if she didn't get what she wanted, given that I'm a big pushover about most things I'd end up just letting her have her pick of everything. I doubt there'd be any leftovers to deal with.
>>3559441She doesn't seem like the type to get scared easily, I don't think she'd find much about Halloween that interesting besides maybe the candy.
>>3559626If she felt any sort of urgency, she'd probably just run though the corn in one direction until she got out. Otherwise I guess we'd do the 'turn left every time' trick and get out eventually.
>>3559784I have doubts. Korean folk music maybe, but anything that makes her think of the past is very very iffy.
>>3559827[x] Stare
>>3560175Get her a water bottle!
>>3560176She might actually be legitimately happy since decades and centuries of time haven't really started to weigh on her yet. I want to see that 'her' from the past.
>>3560271>tfw her comic's stalled for who knows how much longer due to the creator's various life issuesMakes me angry to really see how poorly Lezhin looks out for it's creators. No wonder they had that strike a while back.
>>3560283Convenience, most likely, I don't think it would even occur to her to pricecheck other places if what she wanted was right in front of her.
>>3560357She eats whatever, it's been a problem for her in the comic when she ate too much and started putting on weight. She got a diet belt to help her lose the weight she'd put on but that ended up leading to even more trouble.