I love Nao so much.
>>3809120I wonder if Nao would enjoy playing in the snow. I think she's more likely to get say something about me throwing a snowball at her, but she might throw one back.
>>3809122Nah, she would spent some time thinking about what to get but wouldn't buy it last minute.
>>3809529Food would totally be the best way to go with her! Though she would also love receiving tickets to her favourite band and I'm sure she would be more than happy getting an awesome new camera for example.
>>3809874>What ways do you use to feel connected to her?Hugging my daki, listing to audio, looking at images, thinking about her, talking about her.
>Do you use your imagination?Yeah, they do.
>Do you look at pictures a lot and do they fuel your imagination?Sometimes, but there usually are also pictures that I think of "that's something I want to commission of the two of us"
>What are some things you do in relation to her that really make you happy, or at least happy to think about doing that with her?Doing things for her! I think commissioning images might also be part of this. And of course there is also the more personal things.
>>3810680Nao's hair is kinda messy, she doesn't really consider herself a bishoujo and doesn't care super much about it (though she does wear a lot of cute clothes!) and I guess the only thing she does is brush it after showering and put her hair in twin-tails or ponytail in the mornings. She sleeps with her hair down as well.
>>3811564I would be interested in giving her a new camera, though not one she could run around with, but one that would be nice for shooting documentaries and the like. I think she would enjoy a system camera to be honest. Though, I think cooking a great dinner for her would already mean a lot to her.
>>3811984>What's something about her you wish more people would appreciate?How incredible it is that she is putting her self into bad daylight just to help people to not undergo what happened to her brother.