>>3307541>Is waifu bashful or aggresive with lewd stuff?Agressive.
>When she is in the "mood" , How does she ask for it?"Fuck me, Anon."
>Waifu hasnt been able to shower for 3 days due to a shortage of water, what does she smell like?Fairly sure my waifu doesn't shower for 3 days a lot of the time anyway, so it's probably normal to me, but probably like sweat.
>Is she vanilla or prone to get into risqué territory?I would hope the former because I'm vanilla af
>Would you sub for her?Depends on the details of subbing
>Dom?No. My irl ex fiancee used to force me to dom her and I hated it.
>Would you drink her tears, her drool , her sweat?No, no, no.
>Do you consider yourself a vanilla loving man or a degenerate?The former, very much so.
>What about her?She's a degenerate...