>>3522633As for worldviews, my Sheik comes from a completely different world/universe than we do. I would be totally understand that her fictional world was created by Nayru, Din, and Farore and that they had made their world different than ours. And like I would be respectful and understanding of how she views her other fictional universe, I hope she would be respectful and understanding to how our universe came to be and how our universe is different than hers. (One day I would hope to get her to understand that her world and she were really created by some Japs in some company building. But, like every other waifu here, that would probably come as major shock to her and could make her go into denial. So I would want to take that REALLY slowly and be as nice about it as physically possible.)
Once that is all sorted out and my Sheik understands this, I would hope to nudge her into the right direction here. She already has a lot she needs to learn about this world, so I don't want to overload her. But when the time is right, I would in a basic way, explain to her how this universe came into being. Once I gave her a basic outline of everything, I would give her a few books that would explain this better than I ever could. She could read at her own pace and ask me any questions she has. If I for some reason am unable to answer, we could consult the internet or perhaps go somewhere and ask a scholar. I'm sure if I do it like this and not force anything onto her, we wouldn't argue all that much. There might be some things that she would disagree with, but I can help ease those concerns or perhaps someone more knowledgeable than me can help. If she has a clear and truthful explanation for why things are that way, she is likely to not argue as much.