Jesus Christ is this thread fast all of a sudden.
>>3647010Like I've said earlier, Kaguya isolated herself for over a thousand years, so I don't think there's any real concern there.
>>3647057>TabletopMy gut instinct would be to say Go, as it is one of the four arts of the Chinese scholar, and Lunarian society is pretty obviously heavily based on Imperial China.
>vidyaProbably fighting games. I've answered that before, and I stick by it.
>canonI wish I knew a ton of things more in detail. I'm getting tired of extrapolation. I'd also like to see her in more romantic and/or lewd situations, but also definitely don't want to see that.
>night or morning personNight, duh. I'm the same.
>>3647086Well that's just a matter of perspective, really.
But no, she isn't.
>>3647087I'm not familiar with a fair amount of them, but from out of the ones I do know, and from what other anons have posted here, I like (or at least have no reason to dislike) all of them.
I know you didn't mean it that way, but I don't know if I'd use that word - waifu - so lightly. Maybe it's just a personal thing, but it holds a fair amount of weight for me.
>>3647136Let me shorten that for you:
>Could your waifu surviveYes.
>>3647170The Sinner of Eternity and the Instantaneous. Simple enough.
>>3647492>afraidExistentially speaking, living a life lacking purpose or impact.
>dreamThe opposite of the above.
>affectionI imagine she'd be reserved in public, but I can only imagine what a thousand years of isolation does to a person. "Starved" wouldn't even begin to cover it.
>afterlifeNot that an afterlife matters to an immortal, but it does exist in Touhou, so of course she believes in it.
>freedomFreedom is freedom, I suppose. It's not a huge priority for her. She has it, but that's not the issue.