>>3627341>>3625975I saw it more like “favorite character of a show/manga that would be the most suitable mate” in comparison to best girl which was just “favorite character, for insert reason here”. Though I also thought the two would mean kind of the same for a very long time. I also never thought it would hit me that hard, but I think that’s pretty common.
>>3626603No, where I’m from it’s not something you do openly
>>3626637I’d say she’d pick a trumpet or potentially a bugle. Maybe even bagpipe, after I nudged her a little towards it. I don’t think anyone can learn playing bagpipe or trumpet properly in two months, with the bugle on the other hand I think she might be able to somewhat get a hang of it.
>>3627084Outside of 4chan I don’t really like to talk about her, because I know people simply don’t understand it
My question:
Who outside of the internet knows about your love to your waifu? Did you tell you family or friends? How did they react?
And out of pure curiosity, does anyone else except me answer the questions in a word document first and then copy them over once finished, to avoid spelling mistakes and to get a proper look at what you wrote?
Regarding the first question, I only told my best friend about it. I don’t think he really understands it, but he accepts it and thinks it ok if it makes me happy.