>>3649721I have a high libido, so this would be necessary unless I plan on masturbating often instead. It would suck to need to rely on that while being married.
>publicI doubt this would happen intentionally. It could happen where my Sheik does something considered a taboo that she doesn’t know about. However, to make a scene intentionally... That’s a difficult one. I can’t really think of anything at the moment.
>talkMy Sheik would talk formally.
>hairI already have 2 separate hairstyles of my Sheik. I love both of them, but I would like to see her hair down while it is long. I think it could be beautiful!
>songI’m not sure. My Sheik wouldn’t know music of our world, so for now, I can just say music similar to what she played with Link and her theme.
>>3649741>memesI do enjoy images like pic related. The more ways I can see my Sheik the better, as long as they are positive of course. If it was some sort of negative meme, I wouldn’t be happy.
>>3649885I hope you realize that we have a Rurifriend who has been here for a very long time. Maybe you to should strike up a conversation about the series. That would be interesting.
>>3649959>fanbaseBOY do I have the pastebin for you:
https://pastebin.com/7K50TN1j>claim to be dedicated to herI have yet to see someone claim my Sheik as there waifu. There are people who are dedicated Sheik mains in SSB. Some are good, some are bad. For artists dedicated to drawing my Sheik, well... some are really bad as said in that pastebin. Some are really awesome!
>treated by 4chan at largeLike I said in the pastebin, insulted and misunderstood. And on 4chan, there is no filter. People insult her in SSB all the time. And non-SSB conversations devolve into arguing about my Sheik’s gender. ALSO, if that wasn’t enough, I so far seem to be the only person in a waifu thread to ever need to debate with others about who my waifu even is. If that doesn’t show you how misunderstood and insulted she can be, I don’t know what will.