>>3165161http://www.joan-of-arc.org/joanofarc_footnote_319.html>Jean d'Aulon, her squire and bodyguard: "Even though she was a young girl, beautiful and shapely, and there were many times, when helping her to put on her armor or otherwise, I have seen her breasts [i.e., the shape of the breasts underneath her tunic: clothing was always worn with armor, needless to say]; and sometimes her legs completely bare when dressing her wounds, [i.e., at the siege of Paris where she was shot in the thigh] and I went near to her many times, and I was [at that time] strong, young and in my prime, never did I feel carnal desire towards her from any sight or contact I had with the Maiden; neither did any of her soldiers or squires, based on what I heard them say many times." (For the original language, see: DuParc's "Procès en Nullité...", Vol I, p. 486; for translations, see Oursel's "Les Procès de Jeanne d'Arc", p. 356, and Pernoud's "The Retrial of Joan of Arc", p. 154).An ENTIRE ARMY of beta orbiters