>>3668423The way I related to Asuka is amazing, I've never felt truly understood by anyone until I met her for that reason. It sounds pathetic, but that's just how it is.
>>3668425That would suck, I'd much rather take her place as the six inch one.
>>3668439It's great to hear she's helping you so much with that, that's really special.
>>3668633>tell me about how you met herNothing crazy, I just really liked her when I watched Evangelion a while back, and as more about her past and her psychology was revealed, it really hit me how similar we were. I wished that we could help each other fix ourselves, and long after I had finished the show, I was still thinking about her.
>when/how did you realized that she’s the right one?When I couldn't get her out of my mind, and I felt such a lovely feeling when I thought about her or saw her.
>what is it that made her to alluring to you?Our similarities, and I really like her strong personality. I'm kinda timid, so I think our traits would sorta complete each other.
>what it her most valuable trait and/or skill to you?Her confidence / drive. Even if its misplaced as of the show, she still has the most confidence in someone I've ever seen, and her drive to keep going is incredible, I just wish she'd use it in a way that helps her, rather than hurts her.
>>3668663>first dateI'm not sure, I'm really bad a this sort of stuff. Maybe a nice restaurant? She'd like something show offy.
>propose We'd take a trip to the Great Smoky Mountains and I'd propose to her there, the scenery is very nice.
>sleep together?Sorta like this, and if not that, I'd be little spoon.
https://files.catbox.moe/il03su.jpg>morning or eveningMorning, I feel like. She's probably used to getting up early.
>What sort of alcohol if any would she like if anyI'm not really sure about that one.
>breakfast place at 2 in the morning?I could see us getting up to some late night shenanigans like that. Taco Bell at 3 am is also a good choice.