>>3540932I sincerely appreciate that. I can't really say anything about anyone else since I'm new, as you said, but it's really nice to have a place where I can pour these feelings out instead of bottling them up. The level of kindness here feels genuine, which I can understand, since my waifu changed my own demeanor so strongly.
>>3541032Well there's a lot to unpack here.
1. Most of the time they just ask who she is, and I figure if they're interested enough to learn more about her, her name and game will be enough to go off of.
2. She doesn't have an anime, as sad as it is. As far as her series' fanbase goes, generally middling opinions- she never gets within the top 50 in character polls.
3. I've been told that "nobody fucking asked you" when I posted her in a "Best Tales girl" thread. That was on /v/ though, and everyone knows what that place is like.
4. Sometimes that happens. It hurts, definitely, but I also remember that I've seen many people who also like her a lot, whether out of genuine appreciation, or just because of her design, and it's always nice to share my love of her with them.
5. Everyone knows that true blue romances in JRPGs are not exactly common, and her character archetype is extremely unusual for a main heroine. Other than that, playing her game (even with the poor translation guide) is enough to show her wonderfully eccentric personality.
>>3541045She would take care of the assailant right away, especially if the victim is a child. She might get embarrassed and try to play it off as something else, though.
>>3541061I was already a fan of her series before meeting her, needless to say that hasn't changed. She also has a cameo in Xillia 2 and some spinoffs, almost cameo'd in Symphonia, and lends her costume to Sophie, Judith, and Velvet.
>>3541093Escape Air, no problem. She could easily fight one off, anyway.