>>3114381>favorite aspectsI love the sum of all her aspects, none really stick out as a favourite, but if pressed I'd say that I admire her creativity
>describe them She's a beautiful awkward little dork
>favorite outfit I love her tracksuit because it's her most natural and pure state and she looks ridiculously cuddly in it
>>3114385>free timeShe has a variety of hobbies including writing, drawing, sewing and of course anime and vidya
>own a petAbsolutely, she already takes care of her sisters a lot of the time, and presumably also her cat, she's very responsible
>most notableMost striking would primarily be her gothloli clothes, or otherwise her aloof attitude, her sharp tongue and chuunibyo
>travelled somewhere uniqueNot that I'm aware of unless you count Akihabara, I can imagine she would like to see some historical towns around europe, castles and cathedrals I'm sure would inspire her
>weirdest thingShe's a very denpa girl, she also seems to have a thing about her feet...
>random factAt 155~160cm she's pretty average height for a japanese girl, she appears small because everyone she hangs out with is freakishly tall
>>3114398>a songSome romantic jazz, waltz for debby
>any hobbyWe are both into games dev and I think it would be a lot of fun to work on a project together
>>3114399>swearingI don't think she'd care. She swears quite a lot actually now that I think of it
>>3114401>celebrate Maybe with a nice meal, maybe binge watching some anime
>sneaking upI would expect verbal abuse, and possibly physical attack
>>3114402>>3114416>physical or digital copyA bit of both I'm sure, we don't see any merch on display but I would be surprised if she didn't have something
>>3114438She would have to get pretty fat, I'd probably only mention it if I was concerned for her health. She's very thin as it is