>>3545285If you know how I feel about alcohol, you know my stance on weed. I'm not sure if I ever said this on here, but I wish I could ban alcohol in every part of the world and dump all of the leftovers into toxic wasteland. For weed, I would do the same thing. I also hate weed culture on the internet. I like how 4chan tends to react to weed users though.
>>3545336>HalloweenIsn't Halloween and trick-or-treating for children? Well, my Sheik is 16, so maybe she could. I know that adults dress up too, but the women take it as an opportunity to make whatever costume they are wearing into some sort of slutty version of it. My Sheik would never do that.
>>3545401>creative activitiesThe most recent one has to be the shrine for her. I sometimes wish I studied something about computers so I could know more than what every 4chan user knows. I mean, I'm good enough to be tech-support to normalfags, but in a place filled with people who know things about computers, I feel lacking.
>>3545615I know exactly what you mean. I want a 4,000 or more character limit so badly. I hate having to limit myself because of this.
>>3545694>western work of artI swear I remember reading that there were some sculptors in the Renaissance that fell in love with a woman they made. That's what I think of.
>>3545755>How does she reactMy Sheik is a VERY patient girl. She waited seven years for Link for example. I doubt being late to a date would faze her, especially with how busy I am. But I'm a little confused by this question. Why would she and I go separately? She wouldn't have a car and wouldn't drive. And while I can't stop her, I would prefer for her to not go out without me. But I guess you could mean that I am late in picking her up. My Sheik would understand that I'm pretty busy and things come up. And she is patient like I said before.