>>3403937>What is her idea of a fun day?One with balanced practice, but also fun activities.
>>3403997>Would you want waifu to outlive you or vice versa?I'd honestly want to outlive her to save her the pain, but considering her lifestyle and other things she'd probably live longer.
>>3404051>How does she handle the situation?Trys to sleep as hard as she can, eventually asking me to stay up with her
>>3404132>does anybody collect non-figure stuff of their wife?I have 2 plushes as well as a custom blanket and mug. Also got a small bottle of gold with her name when I was visiting family.
>>3404211>What sort of movies would you marathon?Really any type, maybe we could talk about and watch our favorites.
>>3404266>Do you want to have kids with your wife?Yes
>If so, how many? Two probably
>Boys or girls? 1 boy 1 girl.
>Do you have any names picked out?We actually have a daughteru but I don't know who our son would be.
>>3404273This is trying to troll me isn't it
>>3404283>How do you go about it?Show them to her and ask her to wear them.
>What's her reaction?She'd think they're very cute.
>>3404300>Post pics of Waifu partially in water.This is the closest one I have, also the drawfag one.
Is your waifu a protagonist, antagonist, or someone else in her media? Would you prefer her be something else?