Waifu wearing her newest outfit!
>>3633554I learned some level of self defense. But Neptune would be the one protecting me, since I can barely tank stubbing my toe, whereas she can tank attacks from people who destroy dimensions.
>>3633555She is trained in ancient Planeptunian goddess sword arts.
>>3633827Burgers. NOT any that have eggplant though.
>>3633828Ones from Planeptune.
>>3634136Nah, we couldn't play video games if we did. Plus who needs road trips when waifu can fly at fast speeds?
>>3634363>Why is thisI ate the last of the pudding, or played a cruel prank involving eggplants.
>Wat doApologize and give her some pudding. Neptune is a very forgiving lady and would never hold a grudge for more then an hour.
Does your waifu have any enemies? How does she deal with them?
Neppy has a few enemies and fights people who think they can conquer Gamindustri constantly. However she is so amazing she is able to beat them then become their friends and end their evil ways. Expect for Arfoire/Deity Of Sin, but she's pretty lame and gets her ass beat any time she tries something so it's all good!
She is also frenemies with the other goddesses since they compete for shares, but they aren't hostile to each other.