Sheik is my love!
Work has been BRUTAL lately and I don't have time today to answer any of the questions ITT. Things will hopefully calm down soon. I feel so ashamed that I couldn't post about her at all yesterday...
>>3478571>Do you think your wife is psychologically human?This is an interesting question. While she no doubt has all the characteristics of her people and such, she is indeed not like the rest of us. She does not have a body after all! I wish someone would be nice enough to give her one, but that isn't related to this question.
Sheik's mind could contain a lot of different mysteries. I myself have, with the use of evidence and deduction, been able to figure out how I think she is. I am 99% sure in my theory that Sheik has a free-will, listens to Zelda and her will because she WANTS to, is disheartened by the trauma she faces, but still follows through with her task. This is further proven by it being pretty clear her slowly regaining hope as Link gets closer and closer to fighting Ganon. She even gets overconfident and turns back into Zelda too quickly. If she didn't have free will and real emotions, someone would need to explain how that could happen.
However, I have seen arguments from others with their own evidence that Sheik is indeed a seperate person from Zelda, but she has no free will. She is supposed to act in a certain way and that the triforce makes sure of that. When I asked about certain evidence I had to the contrary, and to what I said above, they kind of sidestepped it. But I must admit it is possible for this to be the case, but EXTREMELY unlikely. Like a 1% chance. If this were the case that Sheik did not have a free will, I would say that she is not psychologically human. But she does have free will, so she is a human.
>>3478585>How would she react?Blackouts are actually pretty frequent during certain seasons where I live. It got so bad that I have to write all my posts out in Notepad before I post them.