>>3657802>How strong is your waifus/husbando personality? Is she the type to speak out? Or does she fade into the background? Does her mere presence intimidate others?She has a very strong personality, and isn't afraid to speak out if she thinks it's needed. There have been times she just faded into the background instead though. Her presence does intimidate others at times.
>Is there anything within your waifus universe that they don't have knowledge of? (Think of things like secrets kept behind their backs, or something that's explained to the fanbase, but not the waifu themselves) And if they did know, how would it affect their actions, or the events that befall them in their story?Actually there isn't any now that I think of it.
>Picture this. You and your waifu are good friends. Classmates, co-workers, or just regular friends. The romantic tension in the air is so thick you could slice through it like a hot knife through butter. How would things progress to the next level? Would you initiate it, or would she?I'd feel like she wouldn't really be sure what to do with her feelings, but she might want to go on dates with me and I'll probably hold her hand and things might process future from there on.
>Does your waifu have anything that is seen as unusual by those in her universe? (Any unusual abilities, possession of a magical item, any interesting quirks or habits?)No idea what's so unusual about having a waifu who's ability is to become invisible to a single person!
>>3658166I posted on /c/ first desu