>>3716263Then, you have however many generals, I can't be bothered to count, but I bet at least half the board is generals. So you have the same maybe 5 to 10 people per general posting for perhaps years at a time, what do they have to talk about amongst themselves? How many people in those threads really look what is in the catalog? You might have a lot of people on the board, but it isn't really everyone looking at a board, it's probably 70% people who just sit in their specific thread bumping it once a day for months.
The best threads are usually of a more niche show with a strong following, perhaps not niche, but not something /a/ makes posts about every week. You have the mix off something people feel strongly about,but lacks the momentum to warrens a constant general that burns people out. The sort of thread where wow, I haven't heard or seen a thread about that show,character in a year and you get 20 people show up to post. But then there is the problem of maybe that show is old and lacks much art about it, so the thread might struggle not due to lack of interest, but content.
I don't know, to sum it up I suppose it's there isn't many people here to start with, and a lot of the activity is coming from general dumps, It takes what, maybe 36 hours for a thread to reach the archive, technically I wouldn't consider it really slow compared to some of the more niche boards, but most of the activity that pushes it down to page 10 is coming from generals.
That's not to shit on generals entirely or whatever, it's just like imagine going on /vg/ for something not popular and trying to gain a foothold to have a thread last past an hour, because people aren't going to the board to see what threads are there, but to go to their thread.
So it's less of a community and more atomized groups of 5 or 10 anons.