Now I have time to think this through.
>>3641980Get up early, eat breakfast, meet her friends, go to school, friendly communal lunch, more school, super-intense club activities, go home, make dinner, have bath, go to sleep. A very wholesome routine that's perfectly healthy for a country-born Japanese schoolgirl that will be conductive to an adolescence full of memories. I wish I could share in it. Actually, I can't help but feel robbed by the universe by how I was never able to.
Wake up early, make breakfast, shake me awake because I tend to sleep in and miss breakfast. Enjoy breakfast with me, kiss me goodbye as I head off to work, do chores, finish chores from sheer industriousness very soon after lunch, meet friends for afternoon tea, hear Mion complain about how Keiichi doesn't have bonding time for her anymore between running his election campaign and hatching their double pronged corporate/political alliance to take over Japan. Help plan Satoko and Rika-chan's wedding. Hug friends goodbye. Pick up any sales at the store, head home, make dinner, welcome me home in the traditional way. Enjoy dinner with me, try to keep up with my ranting about how we both live in a society. Get massaged by me for her hard work today, give me some alone time to decompress so I don't explode and make a mess for her to clean up. Go to sleep at a healthy time. Gently embrace me when I crawl into bed once I've un-numbed myself to feel lonely again. Then we share body warmth in the most intimate way possible. Her day's busy, but she's industrious as she always is. She'd be so supportive of me, more than I deserve. All I can do is get an ultra-high paying job to make sure she never has to worry about a thing again.