>>3220903She has a lot of hope and a lot of potential, and I love that about her.
>Remember to tell your waifu that you love her!I always do.
>>3221006>favoriteShe loves sweets.
>allergyNone that I know of or that are ever mentioned.
>>3221084>jealousMaybe a little bit, but she has no reason to be.
>proveShe knows that I put honesty above many things. She has no reason to be jealous.
>>3221207Yes, definitely.
>>3221507That really depends on whether she would be okay with it.
>>3221808September 18, the day her game came out in Japan.
>>3221924My workout regiment and my sociability.
>>3222176I think I remember an anon mentioning this some weeks ago. Something about how they were having trouble because perfumes can't be exported out of Japan? Are you the same anon? I might have seen it in WWD instead.