>>3417956I'm not even sure what language is native to her but I would help her with english if she doesn't mind helping me with Japanese. She might major in something like Psychology or business. She would be a good student and focus on her studies. As for career probably a Secretary or businesswoman or psychologist.
>>3418010I like both Marisha ray and Michelle Ann Dunphy as her dub voices and from what I heard Sayaka Ohara does a good Japanese voice for her.
>>3418024>What is the purpose of sharing a scarf?Probably to be close to the one you love and be near huddling and sharing body heat. That and it looks very cute and romantic
>would you have need to share a scarf with your wife?I would love to given the oppurtinity but its too hot or not cold enough to wear one.
>>3418040>Your waifu disappears without a trace. She has never existed. She is gone. Her source material does not have her in it anymore. How does this change the story of her source material? In other words, is she integral to the plot of her source material?Not really all you would need to do is replace her with another Attendant and you're good. So she's not integral to the plot much