>>1767997Shitposters and trolls pretty much. K-ON threads have always been trolled, but there was a point in time when it was at a tolerable level. On top of that, there are several people that seem to derail every thread. A certain someone, who I will not name, acts very much like a dictator, trying to play mod, starting shit when someone would post something related to the thread, just because he didn't like it. Picture related. This is a just something I posted in a K-ON thread I made, and he told me to fuck off to /u/, despite that content is on about the same level as the show/manga itself. It's a bit funny too, considering he posts /e/ and /h/ related material all the damn time, but flips his shit whenever someone else does.
The only way to stop it would be to just ignore it, but this is 4chan and everyone would sooner encourage it rather than just going about their business.