And no, I will not like both equally. This isn't a simple makeover. This is deciding what my love's true features are. I can't just say she is both. That's lazy and a cop out. The only reason I always post Sheik with the way she looks now is simply because that's what people draw her like. I currently don't favor one over the other. As I said, my heart is torn on it.
Can I pose a question to you? I don't know much about Kiyo since I don't know anything about Fate, so I don't know if she already has something similar to this, but I'll still ask.
Can you imagine if the body and looks she has, which you undoubtedly must like a lot, was not her own? Can you imagine if Kiyo was just a soul inhabiting another girl's body and only changed that girl's looks a little bit, but it doesn't look anything like how she would look if she had her own body? Which version would you think is best? Both is not an answer. Assume that you only get one chance to have Kiyo come into this world and be with you, but you have to choose which form she would be in. Would you choose how she looks now, even if it wasn't how she is supposed to look? Or do you choose how she would be supposed to look and completely ignore how much you enjoyed the way she looked before? Again, I don't know anything about the Fate series, so I apologize for any ignorance about your wife or series.
>do you think that she'd gain those sheikah physical abilities as well even if she didn't have the influence of the triforce?If she was taught them and was a good learner, then yes. But I don't think she would learn nearly as fast without the triforce. Also, she probably wouldn't be as good as she is now without that influence. That's probably the main reason she is so exceptionally skilled in what she does. That's why I consider it a major part of her. She is a smart girl, but nobody is smarter than what they can be with the triforce of wisdom.