>>3643515>You’re new, aren’t youTo these threads, yes. Had no idea they were here.
I've posted here and there in various waifu related threads in the past, but those are basically just picture dumps.
Medusa's been my waifu basically for 12 years, terminology notwithstanding. Ever since I saw her in her casual outfit in HA, which wasn't even translated at the time, but I read summaries here and there.
She just seemed so cool and chill.
>>3643383>Whoa, when did we get a RiderfriendIt's my first thread here. I just popped into /c/ to check for any HF threads to snatch Rider pictures from and found you guys. Really great to meet you all.
>There haven't been many fatefags here, at least not that I know or rememberThat honestly surprises me, since Fate is such a waifu focused franchise. Maybe they stay in the FGO threads on /vg/.
Artoria is awesome as well. She's my favorite out of the three main heroines in Stay Night, and I love her sheer memeness. She's great in Carnival Phantasm too, unlike Sakura, sadly.
>>3640923I imagine lots of ancient sounding woodwinds and pounding drums as things get more intense, maybe. I know nothing of music.
>What is the battle likeI'm going to say it's a two phase fight, where at first you have to fight her on foot, she's very fast, and dodge her mystic eyes; phase two is a ranged fight where she summons her pegasus and attacks from the sky, waiting to unleash her devastating Bellerophon. My role would be to stand back and shout encouragement to her, because I'd probably just hinder her.
>>3641972>Where is somewhere (chaste) you would like to kiss your waifuNAPE
>>3641972Probably go on a nice ride through the countryside. I think she'd like the forests and stuff around here. I'd like to go visit the Ocean, too.
>>3643000She'd probably be pretty bashful. She was teased a lot growing up, so she might not like it.
>>3643156She's literally a goddess. That probably helps.
Her hair is also very long.