>>3649721>What is your waifu holding on to that is holding her back?Her perfectionism and her past glory. It kills her self confidence and makes her a prisoner to her own anxiety
>What is your waifu reluctant to tell people?What she's feeling. She tends to put on a brave face in public
>How does your waifu feel about sex?I'm not sure.
>What would your waifu make a scene in public about?Not much. She's someone who's really good at bottling her emotions
>How does your Waifu talk? Formal, Casual, Stilted?Quiet and smooth. I always imagine her have this really smooth, shy voice.
>What other hair styles would you like to see your waifu have if any?I'd love to see it done up in a bun or wavey. She'd look so cute.
>What song do you think your waifu would really enjoy?Something calming I bet. I've got a lot of sound tracks like that. I think she'd really enjoy Fields of Ard Skellige
Also I got some artwork of me and Izumi finished. What do y'all think?