>>3563630>Destination France or Japan
>Seat Window
>Planning Goes with the flow
>>3563653>PlacesAny anime convention, an aquarium, a lively restaurant, Miku Expo, a karaoke bar, any camp ground, the list goes on and on I want to do everything with her!
>Clothes She would wear her usual outfit most of the time since it's her favorite so she wouldn't really make much of a fuss choosing unless the date is super important, in that case she would ask her friends for some advice.
>>3563772I try to give my wife as much time as possible when I'm playing masters and browsing my Hilda folder!
>>3563773I think it's between b and c and I love her just the way she is!
>>3563911Early afternoon
>>3563993>Accessories Different colored baseball caps maybe
>Hygiene Hilda is tough as nails so the usual outdoor filth doesn't even phase her!
>HairShe would trust me but I wouldn't go through with it since I'm pretty bad grooming long hair as for trusting her I would let her go nuts since my hair grows back pretty fast.
>>3564438Hilda would probably turn the tables and start rubbing her cheeks just like a Pikachu's.
>>3564482I saw the new BW protags and I just couldn't stop staring and blushing at her for what seemed to be forever.
>>3564869This art is amazing thanks a billion Sheikfriend it's always wonderful to see so many amazing artists draw so many beautiful girls!
>>3563922I would propose to her at the place we first met.
>>3564032Hilda could tell if I was about to ask something
serious but she would be bursting with relief and joy the second I find to courage to ask her that faithful question.