>>3790761>Maybe make defining those terms and what success means to you your next goal?That might work. Honestly, until now, because of the job hunt I felt that I had to put much of my life on hold. Sure, now that I'm employed again I'll have less time on my hands, but I'll also have the space and peace of mind to think about what I want to do and where I want to take myself in the future.
>If you wish to talk about it more here, or privately, I’m here for you, anon.Kind of you to offer them that help, and I'm happy to extend the same offer myself. You don't need professional knowledge to provide someone with the empathy and care that those around them might otherwise not give them, even when it's something like schizophrenia that is so difficult to cope with personally and so equally difficult to provide any real help for those who have it.
Honestly, I sometimes wish I could more reliably keep in touch with some of the people here, yourself included. Yeah, it very much goes against the "spirit" of 4chan, and sharing any identifying information on here is obviously not a great idea, but still.
>as long as I live, I’ll keep making these threadsPlease do. It's a small thing, but these threads are oddly comforting.
>>3790308>philosophyWhat made you interested in it in the first place? You're quite well read on it.
>I know this sounds ridiculousIf it means something to you then it's not ridiculous. Hell, I used to think that what drove me in life was ridiculous too, so much so that it took me 6 years to realize that the hope that Madokami represented was the only thing that kept alive and going through some of my roughest times.
>5 languagesInteresting choices. Why Czech in particular?
>>3790231>I moved somewhat recently and I'm treating this as a fresh start to become a happier person.Great way to look at it. Remember: one step at a time. You know what you want and you know how to get it, so keep at it.