>>3431575Absolute animal. Next time wait for page 10.
>>3431758Well, the best I can answer that is "Yes and also No." Yes because her tail is a ~600lb mass of 90% muscle that she can use to bend metal and break bones. She also seems to know a martial arts stance of some kind. But also No, because in one chapter, Draco tries to assault Miia and Miia is left defenseless. But also also, Yes, because she uppercut a bodybuilder Chad and knocked him out in one punch.
I think Miia COULD defend herself if she really had to, but I also think she'd love to rely on me to protect her because 'that's what men do,' as she probably subconsciously thinks.
>Would it be weird?Partly yes, because she's easily stronger than me and can break my ribs if she wanted. But no, because contrary to popular belief, a monstergirl is a girl first.
>>3431794I would want ferrets. They're like little catsneks.
I think if we got two ferrets, they would quickly wear on her nerves if they started stealing shit. I'd love them, though. I'd only hope there wouldn't be any sort of snek vs ferret fights going on.
>>3432230You mean like a Stand? It'd probably be like a giant fire snake of sorts or something that resembles Marilith from FF.
Unless you mean like a regular, normal "conscience given physical form", in which case my answer is still a fire snake or something that resembles Marilith from FF. But smaller and more harmless.
>>3432285>Is her personality well fleshed out in the source material? Actually I could say yes. We get to see her home, her ability to manage her life by herself, her dreams, her self esteem made manifest, all of that. The only problem is...
>Do you see all her sides and emotions?In Chapter 1 and 2, we get to see how she is when she doesn't have to compete with 6 other girls for one's affection. I miss that. I want to see Miia as a more loving individual and a less 'scheming' light that Okayado puts her in.